The rise of Bengali e-commerce business: how monbangla is leading the charge

The rise of Bengali e-commerce business: how monbangla is leading the charge

A brief history of trade and commerce of Bengal

Looking back at the history of Bengal one can find that Bengal probably had a flourishing trade during the Mughal period. The Nawabs were patrons of art and literature and trade and commerce were in prime stage during this period. Since time immemorial the locational advantage of River Hugli and the Bay of Bengal has attracted many traders from worldwide. The trades that were once thriving declined during colonial rule. Heavy taxes and import duties were such that it broke the backbone of Bengali businesses. The impact was such that they could not revive the same position in the trade.

The resurgence of Bengali entrepeurships

The Bengalis are known as non-risk takers but many young Bengalis are coming forward as an entrepreneur and delivering profitable business.

MonBangla is a leading E-commerce entrepreneur

E-commerce has become a household name nowadays, in other words, it means the selling of products online and everything such as taking orders, making payment easy to pay and shipping. By going online, the young and the local entrepreneurs can now promote their products nationally and internationally. Among many entrepreneurs, MonBangla has already carved a niche in the Bengali e-commerce business. MonBangla has now become a reliable brand in providing authentic Bengali food products. The rise of the Bengali e-commerce business has opened new doors for Bengali Diasporas to access Bengali spices and Bengali groceries online. They can now enjoy online grocery shopping for ingredients of Bengali food products and make Bengali cuisine at home anywhere in the world.

Desires for authentic Bengali food products by Bengali diasporas

After globalization most of the Bengali people have dispersed from their homeland, taking their traditions culture, and food habits. One thing that made them homesick was craving Bengali foods. And a desire to transfer their Bengali culture to the next generation through Bengali cuisine. The availability of authentic Bengali food products like gobindobhog rice, Bengali dal, and bori was difficult before. But MonBangla has made it easy to source them from Bengali online grocery shopping. It is no surprise that in recent years the growing demand for authentic Bengali food products has started the Bengali e-commerce business. MonBangla has made Bengali online grocery shopping easy for the Bengali diaspora. Now people who want to recreate Bengali cuisine in their kitchen can have Bengali spices and ingredients at one click at MonBangla.

Why MonBangla only

MonBangla has been preferred as a go-to grocery shopping platform for buying Bengali groceries online. People are choosing MonBangla for various reasons:

  • ⮚Shop from the home

    Monbangla has made shopping for Bengali groceries easy by offering online shopping options to people who are away settled in other states and countries.

  • ⮚Buy within your budget.

    MonBangla has attractive discounts and offers from its stores for its customers.

  • ⮚Variety

    At MonBangla the customer can choose from a huge variety of products that enhance the shopping experience of customers. Finding the desired Bengali spices has now become easier thanks to MonBangla.

  • ⮚Fresh and quality product assurance

    MonBangla provides quality products from the stores that are sourced from the best suppliers. The customers get the best Bengali spices that are traditionally found in the local market. 

  • ⮚From grocery store to door delivery

    Monbangla provides store-to-door delivery of Bengali food products from the best online shopping services.

  • ⮚Online payment

    MonBangla offers the ease of online payment option for customers by pay-on-click mode, the customers can now make secure and easy transactions for purchasing Bengali spices.

The future of MonBangla as a Bengali E-commerce

The future of MonBangla as a Bengali E-commerce entrepreneur is very bright as the business is growing very fast with people moving away far and demand for authentic Bengali food products is growing more and more. MonBangla has perfectly positioned itself as a leading E-commerce entrepreneur. MonBangla is now venturing into the global level to reach out to Bengali diasporas who are craving Bengali cuisine.


MonBangla is a rising star in the world of Bengali e-commerce business as the demand for authentic and quality Bengali food products is on the rise. MonBangla is now growing day by day while connecting with customers from other states and countries. MonBangla is dedicated to catering to different tastes by offering a variety of products. MonBangla is truly leading the charge of Bengali e-commerce.

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